Dr. Lianna Bennett Haidar is not currently accepting new clients.
If you are a current or past client please contact me via email regarding availability.
email: lianna@bennettpsychotherapy.com
The office is located in the heart of Old Town Alexandria
601 King Street, Suite 302
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Located on the corner of King Street and St. Asaph Street in the historic J. Muir Building.
This location is less than a mile from the King Street Metro station. In addition, the free King Street Trolley, which runs from the metro to the waterfront, stops at the corner of this building.
Street Parking: Metered parking is available on St. Asaph Street. Free two- and three-hour spaces are located a few blocks off King Street (north of Cameron Street or south of Duke Street)
Garage Parking: can be found off Pitt Street at the Court House and at St. Asaph and Cameron.
For current clients:
Current clients may schedule teletherapy appointments thought the secure Client Portal